Manhyung Han, Ph.D.
Computer Engineering
* Background
I received my Ph.D. from Dept. of Computer Engineering at the Kyung Hee University, Korea in 2013. My advisor is Prof. Sungyoung Lee and I'm a member of both Ubiquitous Computing Laboratory and uLCRC(East-West Neo Medicinal u-Lifecare Research Center) advised by him. And I got my bachelor and master degrees in Computer Engineering from the Kyung Hee University in 2005 and 2007 respectively.
Currently I am working as a postdoctoral research fellow funded by BK21+ program and uLCRC at Kyung Hee University from September, 2013.
My research area is a field of Ubiquitous Computing, Context-aware Middleware, Activity Recognition, Autonomic Computing, Sensor Middleware, Embedded OS and Wireless Sensor Networks. Research section provides you more detailed information about my research and projects.
* Contact Information
Ubiquitous Computing Lab(Room 351)
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University
1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 446-701, Korea
E-mail: smiley [at]
manhyung [at]
Phone: +82-31-201-2950
Fax: +82-31-202-2520
* Education
Ph.D Computer Engineering(Aug. 21, 2013)
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Major: Ubiquitous Computing
Thesis: "An Integrative Human Activity Recognition Framework based on Smartphone Multimodal Sensors"
Advisor: Prof. Sungyoung Lee
GPA: 3.842 / 4.3(89.58%)
M.S Computer Engineering(Feb. 21, 2007)
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Thesis: "Agent-based Smart Sensing Framework for Lightweight Context-aware Middleware"
Advisor: Prof. Sungyoung Lee
GPA: 4.15 / 4.3(93.13%)
B.S Computer Engineering(Feb. 16, 2005)
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
* On-going Projects ..more
05/2014 ~ Present, MiningMinds: Development of Personal Big Data Analysis Platform and Core Technologies
- Position: Co-Project Manager(Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
- Mining Minds is a collection of services, tools and techniques working collaboratively to investigate on human¡¯s daily routines to provide a personalized well-being and health-care support.
- Research issues
- Big Data Analysis and Modeling: Data acquisition from diverse sources of data in online and offline manner, unified representation and an interoperable and sharable model.
- Human Behavior Analysis: User interests and preferences learned from historical and contextual data from emotion, activity, diet and sleep patterns.
- Personalized Recommendation: Context-aware recommendation generation for the target users according to their needs and situation.
- Knowledge Maintenance: High quality knowledge creation and feedback-based knowledge maintenance.
- Adaptive UI/UX: UI/UX Authoring tool - Provide UX based adaptive UI
[MiningMinds project overview and service application, click to enlarge] |
- Mining Minds Project Website:
* Selected Papers ..more
[5] |
Manhyung Han, Jae Hun Bang, Chris Nugent, Sally McClean, Sungyoung Lee , A Lightweight Hierarchical Activity Recognition Framework using Smartphone Sensors, Journal of Sensors (SCIE, IF:2.048), Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp.16181-16195, 2014

[4] |
Ian Cleland, Manhyung Han, Chris Nugent, Hosung Lee, Shuai Zhang, Sally McClean and Sungyoung Lee, Evaluation of prompted annotation of activity data recorded from a smart phone, Journal of Sensors, (SCIE, IF 2.048), Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp.15861-15879, 2014

[3] |
Manhyung Han, Jae Hun Bang, Chris Nugent, Sally McClean and Sungyoung Lee, HARF: A Hierarchical Activity Recognition Framework using Smartphone Sensors, 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI),December 2-6, 2013 * Winner of UCAmI 2013 Best Paper Award

[2] |
Manhyung Han and Sungyoung Lee, Personalized Activity Modeling and Real-time Activity Recognition based on Smartphone Multimodal Sensors(½º¸¶Æ®Æù ¸ÖƼ¸ð´Þ ¼¾¼ ±â¹Ý °³ÀÎÈ ÇàÀ§¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× ½Ç½Ã°£ ÇàÀ§ÀÎÁö), Journal of KIISE(Softwares and Applications), Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 332-341, June, 2013

[1] |
Manhyung Han, La The Vinh, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, Comprehensive Context Recognizer Based on Multimodal Sensors in a Smartphone, Journal of Sensors (SCIE, IF 1.953), Vol. 12, No. 9, pp. 12588-12605, 2012

* Recent Patents ..more
[5] |
Manhyung Han and Sungyoung Lee, Method for recognizing user context using complex sensors(º¹ÇÕ ¼¾¼¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ »ç¿ëÀÚ »óȲ ÀÎ½Ä ¹æ¹ý), Reg. No. 10-1367964, Domestic Patent Registration, February 20, 2014 |

[4] |
Sungyoung Lee and Manhyung Han, Method for producing personalized user activity model(°³ÀÎÈµÈ »ç¿ëÀÚ ÇàÀ§ ¸ðµ¨ÀÇ »ý¼º ¹æ¹ý), Appl. No. 10-2013-0053234, Domestic Patent Application, May 10, 2013 |

[3] |
Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee, La The Vinh, Le Xuan Hung, Ngo Quoc Hung, Hyoung Il Kim and Manhyung Han, Method for activity recognition based semi Markov conditional random fields(¼¼¹Ì ¸¶¸£ÄÚÇÁ Á¶°ÇºÎ ·£´ý ÇÊµå ¸ðµ¨ ±â¹ÝÀÇ Çൿ ÀÎ½Ä ¹æ¹ý), Reg. No. 10-1163834, Domestic Patent Registration, Jul. 2, 2012 |

[2] |
Manhyung Han, Smartphone Sensor Monitoring Application for Activity Recognition(ÇàÀ§ÀÎÁö¸¦ À§ÇÑ ½º¸¶Æ®Æù ¼¾¼ ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ¾îÇø®ÄÉÀ̼Ç), Reg. No. 2011-01-121-007901, Program Registration, Korea Software Copyright Committee, Nov. 17, 2011 |

[1] |
Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee, La The Vinh, Le Xuan Hung, Ngo Quoc Hung, Hyoung Il Kim and Manhyung Han, Method of Recognizing Activity on Basis of Semi-Markov Conditional Random Field Model, Appl. No. 12/886,800, U.S. Patent, Sep. 21, 2010 |

* Book chapters
[2] |
Jinsung Cho, Embedded System Project, Chapter 12, QT Image Viewer(Manhyung Han), ISBM-10: 8972835250, ISBN-13: 9788972835257, pp.376, Jan. 2006

[1] |
Hyunjung Cho, BIT Project vol. 92, Chapter 1 (CX222, Manhyung Han), ISBN-10: 8985957953, ISBN-13: 9788985957953, pp.650, Nov. 2003
